Christine Ko

 Christine Ko Biography, Height, Weight, Age, measurements, Net Worth, Family, Wiki and much more! Christine Ko was born in Chicago, Illinois, United States on the 03rd of August, 1992. She is 27 years old and has been in the United States for 7 months 2 days. Christine Ko Weight 58 KG and has a height of 5 Feet 8 inches. Christine Ko is an Actress in United States. Chicago, Illinois, United States is where she grew up. Her primary Profession is an Actress. Christine Ko is an internationally well-known Actress. Her Nationality is American. We do not have any details on Christine Ko's parents. The Research team is currently conducting research on Christine Ko. We will shortly update the information on her siblings, familymembers, spouse and children. Right now, we do not have any information on Christine Ko Education Lifestyle.Christine Ko Body Statistics: For an intelligent and talented actor Christine Ko it's very significant to constantly look excellent because paparazzi and curious photographers follow him everywhere. Christine Ko is 34 inches in total. Christine Ko's full body measurements are 34 Inches. She weighs 58 kg. She has black hair and eyes. At 27 years old she's 7 months 2 days.

Christine Christine


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